Stefanie Kleimeier

I currently teach three courses at the Maastricht University:

  • "Finance and Accounting", a second year bachelor course which provides together with the first year's required finance course the foundation in finance for all International Business students at this university.
  • "International Financial Management", a third year bachelor course which focusses on international corporate finance and risk management.
  • "Corporate Governance and Restructuring", a master course which discusses topics such as different corporate governance systems worldwide, management compensation, mergers and acquisitions, privatization, or project finance.

In the past, I have also taught "International Investments" and "Behavioral Finance".

  • "International Investments" is a third year bachelor elective, which covers topics in the area of international portfolio investments such as: international assets pricing, market integration and segmentation, global asset allocation, currency risk, international portfolio evaluation, and emerging markets.
  • "Behavioral Finance" is a master course, which investigates the financial decision making behavior of individuals and thereby extends into areas of psychology. Issues that are covered in this course include agency problems, financial market anomalies, market efficiency and the predictability of stock prices, and behavioral asset pricing and portfolio theory.

Since 2012, I have been teaching a course on "Financial Derivates & Real Options" for the Maastricht Summer School with my colleague Paulo Rodrigues. For more details on the upcoming Summer School course, please click on the tab on the right.

Additionally, I have been involved in teaching 'Financial Management' and 'International Finance & Treasury' in the MBA program of the Maastricht University and the Haus der Technik in Essen (Germany) and currently also teach and coordinate 'Finance & Treasury' in the Postgraduate Program Chartered Controllers and the Postgraduate International Program Chartered Controllers of the Maastricht University, formerly in cooperation with the Universiteit van Amsterdam.

Furthermore, I am currently coordinator of the Finance Specialization in the International Business master program and held the post of Education Director for the International Business Economics bachelor program of the Maastricht University during the academic years 2004/05 to 2006/07.

While at the Maastricht School of Management from 1993 to 2002, I have been teaching a wide range of courses in the MBA program and in various executive programs. Since 2012, I am teaching the 'Portfolio Management' course in MSM's MBA - Accounting & Finance Specialization. Furthermore, I taught 'Empirical Techniques in Financial Research' at the University of Georgia (USA) in 1992, 'International Finance' at the University of Graz (Austria) in 1996 and 'Advanced Research Methods' in the PhD in Development Finance program of the University of Stellenbosch Business School (South Africa) since 2013.

Financial Derivatives & Real Options
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